Size Guide

Sizes are listed in UK sizes. Please use the conversion chart to see what size this is in your country. All measurements are in inches, the number (e.g) 28” in the name of trousers means they measure as a 28 inch waist, Size S, M, L etc. next to the other titles is an approximate size so it’s easier for you to find what items are your size. More detailed sizes and measurements are then in the item description. When buying vintage clothing I’d really recommend measuring your bust, waist (smallest part), hips (widest part), rise (from crotch to smallest part of your waist) and inside leg. This will help you to easily know what items will fit you. You can also measure a favourite pair of jeans or a dress that you love and compare those measurements to new items. This is another great way to judge how something will fit you. As you’re shopping online it’s always a good idea to double check!

Care Guide

Vintage items usually have their own care guide on the inside label. However as our washing machines have improved and have more cycles, it’s much easier to wash your vintage items than it was in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s! Often you’ll see vintage labels say ‘dry clean only’ this is at your own discretion, but personally I’d use a cold, 30 degree gentle wash cycle for most fabircs, and this is how I would recommend washing your seasonsofella curated vintage pieces! If you’re unsure, you also can’t go wrong with handwashing in the sink for very delicate items. Always wash with similar colours and check online how to wash different fabrics if you’re unsure.

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